Fines mailed in - Must be in the form of money order or cashier's check made out to Grafton Town … The Fall Town Meeting is held on the third Monday in October. Back in June, the delayed spring Town Meeting was held outdoors on the Grafton High School football field, with the town footing the bill for rented chairs, tables and staging, Jumbotron, and sound equipment. Please visit … The population was 2,130 at the 2010 census. The population according to the federal census in 2010 was 17,765. It can be found by clicking the below link or under… Read More, Ozaukee County annually holds a Clean Sweep for all Ozaukee County Residents to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste. The bulliten board inside the Town Hall is the secondary posting place for meeting notices. This year… Read More, Cedarburg Light & Water will be holding another Community Appliance & Electronic Recycling event SEPTEMBER 26, 2020 from 10:00 a.m.… Read More, Good day, I have been in contact with the Fire Chief and as a result of the Covid 19 issue… Read More, An Important Message from Our Village of Grafton First Responders The Village of Grafton’s Emergency First… Read More, CHRISTMAS TREE PICK UPS are scheduled for next Monday, January 4th and Monday, January 18th. ATTENTION: If you are submitting a meeting posting, please note that the following applies to the meeting: Minutes of all open and executive sessions shall be and approved in a timely manner. A "timely manner" will be generally be considered to be within the next three (3) public body meetings or within 30 days, whichever is later, unless the public body can show good cause for further delay. The minutes of an open session, if they exist and whether approved or in draft form, shall be available upon request by any person within "10 days".  MGL c30A,s22(c),(G2). Indoor seating in the gym was provided for accessibility and heat relief. Blazis Safari. The October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed. The town of Grafton is located in the state of Massachusetts. Telephone: (262) 377-8500. Grafton is a semi-rural town in east central Massachusetts lying southeast of the City of Worcester. Office Hours. Selectboard Minutes 12 12 2019 Public Hearing TP … GRAFTON: Ready to attend the Grafton Town Meeting on Monday, October 16th? From time to time the Board may choose to go into Executive Session during the course of a regular meeting. Office Address 1102 Bridge Street Grafton, WI 53024 Town Meeting is conducted by the elected Moderator. A reply will be sent to confirm the meeting has been posted. FY20 BUDGETSARTICLE 20. Town of Grafton, Ozaukee County, WI. ***If you submit an agenda electronically, please email it to to ensure it will be received to meet the Open Meeting Law posting requirements. 6pm. *** Â. This December stop by during Grafton Celebrates the Holidays and create a video for a loved one deployed with our Armed Forces. Town Meeting: At the Grafton Elementary School (GES) Gym on Tuesday, March 3, 2020; Polls open 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM in the rear portion of the GES Gym. Zoning Board of Appeals: Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month as … Town Meeting Postponement Information Today is World Stroke Day. Grafton was originally occupied by a tribe of Nipmuc Indians and was called Hassanamisco (place of small stones). Have your tree out at… Read More, We apologize first of all for the lateness of this email/text, but we wanted you to know why we have… Read More, Good Afternon, It has come to our attention that there are numerous election signs still up around Town. Grafton, WI 53024, Office Address Agendas need to be received by 3:30 pm (6 pm Tuesdays) to allow our office the appropriate time for posting. Town Meeting … Planning Department - Development Projects, Forms, Reports, etc. Due to COVID-19, the new deadline to submit agendas to the Clerk's office for posting is 12 PM Monday through Friday. Town of Grafton, MA. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Grafton City Hall at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the City Hall’s Customer Service by phone or by … Office Address 1102 Bridge Street Grafton, WI 53024. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Selectboard meeting 12 12 2019 Town Plan at Garage. 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA 01519 Phone: 508-839-5335 FAX: 508-839-4602 Hours of Operation: Mon. Town of Grafton, Ozaukee County, WI. Warning Annual Meeting … Grafton, WI 53024, CHRISTMAS TREE PICK UP – last pick up day, TAXES – 1st installment amount final payment date. Official Ballot Grafton Town Plan 1.13.2020. … Grafton Town of Grafton, Vermont Municipal Web-Site . Town of Grafton, Ozaukee County, WI. The Town Clerk's office is responsible for posting meeting notices for all governmental bodies, including ad hoc and sub committees, at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. Given that Grafton residents have now experienced four elections under COVID-19 precautions this year and the availability of Mead to handle Town Meeting preparations, the board agreed it could be skipped. Health Officer ***** Grafton Public LIbrary . Special Town Meeting Jan 13 2020. The Agenda and related meeting materials for the Monday, April 27, 2020 Planning Board meeting have now been uploaded to the Town of Grafton website. Concaugh said he did not make the decision to resign lightly. - Fri. 8:30AM - 4:30PM Employees | Site Map | Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. Town Meeting. CPC – LIONS CLUB PROPERTY RECREATIONAL IMPROVEMENTSARTICLE 35. Login These executive sessions are not open. Town Justices: Rebecca Greene Christopher Meyer Court Clerk: Erika Douglas Tuesday evenings @ 7 pm, exceptions holidays or election days. Today at 10:29 AM Planning & Zoning Commission: Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month as needed. And. Info shared by Grafton Board of Health. It is believed that the town received its name from Grafton, Vermont, where the first town supervisor, Nathaniel Dumbleton, was originally from. It is one of the smallest towns in Windham County, with a population of approximately 650. Do not assume the posting was received unless a confirmation is received. Tim McInerney (left) and Jim Gallagher (right) Camera view Town Meeting.  The one exception is an "Emergency Meeting", which is a sudden, generally unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action. The winner, chosen by the Select Board at the end of the process, will inherit a town that is reshaping its fire department, trying to attract new business, and has had recent financial difficulty that … Council Meetings: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of month 7:30pm. - Fri. 8:30AM - 4:30PM Employees | Site Map | Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. OFFICIAL MEETING POSTINGS - TOWN WEBSITE: The official meeting postings for public bodies is the Town of Grafton's website ( CPC – GRAFTON TOWN COMMON RESTORATIONARTICLE 23. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. The cost for a special election was estimated to be $8,000-$10,000. Bill Robidoux behind the camera. The Spring Town Meeting is held on the last Monday in April, primarily consisting of financial articles and the budget. The Town of Grafton is (without a doubt) a small, quaint, picturesque village. Youth Organizations & Town League Contacts, School Committee - Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational High School, School Committee - Grafton Public Schools, South Grafton Community House Oversight Committee, "What if" LPG Facility Advisory Committee, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - June 11, 2020, Vacancy - Alternate Member Zoning Board of Appeals, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - January 14, 2021, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - June 25, 2020, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - June 4, 2020, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - Novwember 12, 2020, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - October 22, 2020, Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - September 3, 2020, Decisions made and actions taken including a record of all votes (votes in executive session must be by roll call). 1102 Bridge Street Town Clerk Monday 6:00pm - 9:00pm Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm - Closed 1/14 Saturday - 9am - 1pm Call 518-279-9609 if assistance is needed outside of these hours. Due to today's inclement weather and anticipated residual ice and snow on the grounds; the October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed until November 7, 2020. Grafton High School Football Field starting at 11:00 a.m. Office Address 1102 Bridge Street Grafton, WI 53024 Groton holds two Annual Town Meetings (ATM) per year. Public Town Meeting begins at 10:00 AM; Warned Articles for 2020 – see above; Australian Sample Ballots – see above; School Annual Meetings 2020. has immediate openings for the following: Director of Public Assistance . Town of Grafton, Ozaukee County, WI. Our municipal website fulfills the meeting notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law. Meeting & Election Hall Address 1230 11th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024. Meeting & Election Hall Address 1230 11th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024. Grafton High School Football Field starting at 11:00 a.m. Please contact the Planning Department (508-839 … Grafton High School Football Field starting at 11:00 a.m. Revisions should state "revision" or "amended" on the top and indicate the revision in the body of the agenda. Meeting minutes must be on Committee/Board letterhead and show the words âMinutesâ and the date of the meeting the minutes are for in the âtitleâ. On the sunny Grafton High School football field two days later, Padgett objected to the addition of the appropriation to the warrant without much advance warning. The town is an interior town near the north-central part of the … Town Hall: Monday - Tuesday 9:00am-1:00pm. Login Voting by Australian ballot for Town Meeting will run from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 10, at the Grafton Fire Station. Closed: Phone - 518-279-4385 Fax - 518-279-3594 Address: PO Box 1 Grafton, NY 12082. Grafton is a town in Rensselaer County, New York, United States. Hours and Meetings. The following must be included in the minutes: 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA 01519  Phone: 508-839-5335  FAX: 508-839-4602Hours of Operation:  Mon. The Town Administrator Screening Committee has 8-10 weeks to find five candidates who are ready to shape the town of Grafton. Town Board Meetings are held monthly in the Town Hall. to the Checklist ***** Library Trustees. Town Meeting is the legislative body of Grafton Town Government where all spending and changes to the Town By-laws and Zoning By-laws must be approved by Grafton voters in attendance. These meetings are open to the public. This DOES NOT include Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. The bulliten board inside the Town Hall is the secondary posting place for meeting … 1230 11th Avenue has an imediate opening for the following: ... Meeting to make additions and corrections . Thursday, January 21, 2021. He noted only about 70 people were in attendance at Town Meeting. Jack Kelley. Amanda Mason Mail In Payments: Grafton Tax Collector, Amanda Mason, Tax Collector, PO Box 506, Grafton NY 12082 Questions Please Call: 518-326-8884 In Person Payments - Location: Town Hall January 2021 Only Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - 8am-12pm Rick Schultze. The Town of Grafton. Planning Board Meeting Materials for 4/27/20 Public Meeting | Town of Grafton MA . 30 Providence Road, Grafton, MA 01519 Phone: 508-839-5335 FAX: 508-839-4602 Hours of Operation: Mon. The Town was founded April 8, 1754 and was originally named Thomlinson, after the founder’s English business agent John Thomlinson, and was then changed to the Town … - Fri. 8:30AM - 4:30PMEmployees | Site Map  |  Website Disclaimer |  Government Websites by CivicPlus ®, ***If you submit an agenda electronically, please email it to, Application for a Permit to Perform Gas Work, Board of Building Regulations and Standards, Building Peremit Fee Schedule as of July 1 2019, Flow Chart for Building Departmental Operations, Plan Review Checklist Interior Renovation online submission, Donate or Apply to Grafton Strong Account, Guidelines for the Use of Outdoor Fire Appliances, Grafton COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Fund, Permitting Guide: Commercial & Residential Development, Planning Board - Meeting Materials, Schedule, Agendas, Minutes, Planning Board Report, May ATM & STM 2019, Zoning Initiatives & Proposed Town Meeting Warrant Articles, Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Program, Employment Opportunities / Human Resources, Temporary Town Administrator Employment Agreement August 2020, Conflict of Interest and On-Line Training, Information on Upcoming Elections and Town Meetings, 2021, Public Records Access Information, Policy & Request Form, State Ethics Commission & Municipal Employee Disclosure Forms, Voting Machines-ImageCast ICP Voting Tabulators, FAQ's Important Information For Taxpayers, Mission Statement and Office Responsibilities, Notice of names of persons appearing to be owners of funds held by the Town of Grafton, and deemed abandoned, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources Survey, About the Board of Assessors and Local Taxes, CENTRAL MASS MOSQUITO CONTROL PROJECT - 2020, Central Mass Mosquito Control Exclusion Form, Central Mass Regional Public Health Alliance, MA Department of Environmental Protection, MA Department of Public Health Bureau of Substance Addiction Services (BSAS), Board of Library Trustees - Grafton Public Library, Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, MA Department of Revenue - Charting a Route for Charter Change, MA General Law 43B - Home Rule Procedures, 2020 Semi - Annual Fall Town Meeting Grant Proposals, Article 34 - Grafton General By-Laws - Community Preservation Committee, Community Preservation Committee Overview, Grafton Community Preservation Plan Update, Projects: Recently Completed and Approved, Public Comment Form: DPW Facility Building Committee, Watch On Line Video (search playlist for Grafton DPW Building Committee), ADA - Self Evaluation and Transition Plan, Pre-Disaster Mitigation 2015 Contact List, Property Owners Handbook & Design Guidelines, Public Comment Form: Library Expansion / Renovation Project, Public Comments Received: Library Expansion / Renovation Project, Nelson Memorial Park & Memorial Library Trustees, Nelson Park & Memorial Library History and Purpose, Grafton Open Space and Recreation Plan Virtual Public Forum. The October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed. Monday — Thursday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Fridays 8:30 am – Noon (Closed on Fridays: Jun 1st - Sep 30th) Any citizen of Grafton who is a registered voter may participate in … Our… Read More, Meeting & Election Hall Address The October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed. The Annual Town Meetings are called to order at 7:00 PM. In the Town Meeting Warrants, highlights include: ARTICLE 5. Grafton Community Television has produced a program that discusses all of the warrant articles on the October Town Meeting. Notices must be on Committee/Board letterhead and include the date, time and place of the meeting and the agenda (the list of topics that the chair reasonably anticipates will be discussed). Please secure your meeting location before submitting the meeting notice to this office. Tax Collector: Amanda Mason Mail In Payments: Grafton Tax Collector, Amanda Mason, Tax Collector, PO Box 506, Grafton … Town Meeting will now be held October 31 on the Grafton High School football field at 2 p.m.. “I would never leave the town in a lurch,” Concaugh said. The 2021 Garbage & Recycling Schedule is now available! Meeting & Election Hall Address 1230 11th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024. OFFICIAL MEETING POSTINGS - TOWN WEBSITE: The official meeting postings for public bodies is the Town of Grafton's website (  Our municipal website fulfills the meeting notice requirements of the Open Meeting Law. Search. DRB Notices, see Grafton Dev. Office Address 1102 Bridge Street Grafton, WI 53024 Meeting & Election Hall Address 1230 11th Avenue Grafton, WI 53024. Due to today's inclement weather and anticipated residual ice and snow on the grounds; the October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed until November 7, 2020. CLICK HERE to view the information. The Town of Grafton released the May Town Meeting Warrants on Thursday. The two boards, as a result, added the appropriation of $600,000 to the fall Town Meeting warrant. Information is due at Town Hall by 4:00pm the first Tuesday of the month. Review Board page: Public Notice Iva Fisher Subdiv 2020. INFORMATIONAL MTG for Spec Twn Mtg 1.7.2020. Original copies of meeting postings will be maintained in the Town Clerk's Office available for public view during office hours. Main menu Due to today's inclement weather and anticipated residual ice and snow on the grounds; the October 31, 2020 Fall Town Meeting has been postponed until November 7, 2020. Po Box 1 Grafton, WI 53024 be received by 3:30 PM ( 6 PM Tuesdays to! Bulliten Board inside the Town Hall is the secondary posting place for Meeting notices in. To be $ 8,000- $ 10,000 New deadline to submit agendas to the Clerk 's for. New York, United States Providence Road, Grafton, WI 53024 8,000- $ 10,000 11th Grafton! 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