The probability for insurance was taken from Don Schlesinger's "Illustrious 18" list, as found in Blackjack Attack. Suppose the world’s greatest blackjack card counter heads out to a casino to pursue his chosen vocation of beating the house. Surveillance needs only correlate bet size with the Illustrious 18 to decide whether to further evaluate a player. In blackjack, using a hi-low count. Illustrious 18 Indices. I'm using I18 (modified for h17 -- 11vA is now 0 and 12v6 is now -3), but I'm kinda confused about exactly how to use it. Are the Illustrious 18 from Kevin Blackwoods book for SD the same for double H17 too. ace. Where can I find the Illustrious 18 for H17 games then? Jo's Burgers Steaks & Catering. 1. For blackjack and its variants (e.g. Another key play in Illustrious 18 is to stand on a 16 against the dealer's 10, if you have a count of 0 or higher. Don Schlesinger’s article on the “Illustrious 18” (“Attacking the Shoe!”) takes the work of Griffin, Snyder, and Gwynn regarding the most important indices in terms of gain, and works out precise numbers for one particular situation: a player using the Hi-Lo count with a particular 1-12 spread in a 75%-dealt four-deck game. If you have a hand of 12 against the dealer’s 6 in shoe games and if H17, you should hit at a count of -3 or lower. What Happens in those But when the count is positive, we are supposed to stand on hard 16 against a 10 instead of hit (according to the Illustrious 18). ... 8/4 or 7/5 -- and it's just a trifle better to hit in S17 games, but still better to stand in H17 games. Eliot Jacobson, Copyright 2020, the 888 Group. To this end, has put together a list of the best sign-up bonuses offered by the most popular casinos online. I only noticed a couple small differences even from what I played at shoe games so I am assuming yes or the differences are so … It illustrates and "proves" absolutely nothing. It has since been discussed by just about all the major blackjack writers. It follows that the Illustrious 18 limits the profitability of card counters while being sufficient information for surveillance. Counts higher than +10 are so rare that indices above this value may never be used. Illustrious 18 & Fab 4. Read More >. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. If you stand you can expect to win 36% of the time and lose 64%. Subscribed. At what true count should the following decisions be made? This way, you have better chances to get blackjack or draw a 10 when your first two cards are in the double-down area. For example, in blackjack: In other words, the Illustrious 18 serves its greatest possible good as a tool for game protection. 4. Table A-1 gives a total of 189 different indices, including plays like the following: If the AP finds a game where he can “double after split” (DAS), he has an additional 55 indices to learn. Don Schlesinger came up with the ”Fab Four” term, which refers to the top-four late-surrender plays based on the Hi-Lo system. Start studying Illustrious 18. Chapter 5 New England Colonies 13 Terms. By and large, it is always better to rely on your own than to count on recommendations of casino staff. If the true count exceeds the trigger count, the AP makes the wager; otherwise he sits on his hands. Virtual Global Digital Services Limited is licensed and regulated to offer online gaming services under the laws of Gibraltar (Remote Gaming License Numbers 112 and 113) and makes no representation as to legality of such services in other jurisdictions. It follows that the Illustrious 18 limits the profitability of card counters while being sufficient information for surveillance. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Home» Forum» Gambling; Recommended online casinos. Rather than saying ". If you, by any chance, live close to a land-based casino, then do not look any further and take free gaming lessons usually held in the mornings. Experts such as Don Schlesinger came to the conclusion that, at some point, the expected return starts to decrease, thus, he came up with 18 key play variations to the basic strategy, which he called the Illustrious 18. Popular tags: Italia Slow Fish buone pratiche Partner Slow Fish Slow Fish 2019 Alleanza Slow Food dei cuochi Europa birra mare e ambiente Presìdi Slow Food. I'm beginning to memorize the 'Illustrious 18' and have a couple of questions. While low-limit tables can be found in a number of smaller casinos, the right place to look for such a game is the internet. Just make sure, your internet connection is stable in order to reap full benefits of the smoothest possible experience. If I'm reading the Illustrious 18 chart correctly, it says to STAND when you have a 16 vs. a dealer 10 with a count of 0 or more. In other words, the Illustrious 18 serves its greatest possible good as a tool for game protection. They are as follows: 1.1 You should use Insurance in single-deck games, in case your count equals or is larger than +1.4; 1.2. There are some good double-deck blackjack games with a very low house edge against a basic strategy player (as low as 0.14%). Boutique Store. The quest for more knowledge is not just about the Illustrious 18; it’s about everything in life. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. S17 DD and shoes, and they are will tolerate low stakes. Yes, if followed strictly, the Illustrious 18 is a pretty efficient way to success. or. [null] 10 May 2019 h17:00-18:00 . From my side, I find Wattenberger's comments to be extraordinarily illuminating. Start studying Illustrious 18. By RS in forum General Blackjack Forum Replies: 2 Last Post: 01-19-2013, 03:16 PM. And, if it was an attempt to discredit the I18, it fails miserably, as did Grosjean in the abject nonsense he wrote in Exhibit CAA. 1 Apr 2008 It has since been discussed by … I went to the WoO website and generated a BS chart for the BJ game that I find locally: 6D, H17, DAS, No surrender. ArtooDetoo. Is the 21+3 Blackjack Side Bet Vulnerable to Advantage Play? The Illustrious 18 indices here are as presented in Don Schlesinger's "Blackjack Attack", a must read for any Blackjack enthusiast. Hello all. If the AP decides he wants to play a shoe game (or double-deck) rather than single-deck, there are more indices to learn. Indices below -5 have very little practical value. Illustrious 18 8deck. I used to cycle through these flash cards several times while driving from Santa Barbara to Las Vegas (distracted driving before the era of text messages) as a last-minute refresher. Illustrious 18 18 Terms. Vocabulary Lesson 4 10 Terms. Although I was not a professional AP, I took card counting seriously. Edward Thorp: The Man Who By moses in forum General Blackjack Forum Replies: 21 Last Post: 01-29-2016, 10:49 AM. Illustrious: (1) clear, conspicuous, distinguished (2) famous, eminent, outstanding. Strategies vary, but all assign a point value to each card. Founded in 2014, CasinoNewsDaily aims at covering the latest news from the casino industry world. You can also review more detailed information about the I18 appears in Schlesinger's book Blackjack Attack. VASO SFERA D18,0 H17,0-vetro trasparente Contenitore ottimale per i nostri bouquet a gambo medio o corto, dove comunque il mazzo si appoggia bene al bordo, e i gambi trovano lo spazio per mostrare la bellezza della costruzione a spirale. Stand (don’t hit) the hand 14 vs. 7 when the true count is 16 or higher. Vitriolic attacks and name calling do little to further intellectual debate. The reason is that the more positive the count, the more inclined you will be to stand, double, split, take insurance, or surrender. Illustrious 18 and Fab 4. For example doubling down on an a,8 vs a dealer 6 when the tc=+1 isn't included. Hit 17 Index Plays Multiple decks. Any time a counter wanted more, it would be readily available. algguy72. In blackjack, using a hi-low count. 1) A playing card with a single pip on the face whose value counts as 1 or 11 points, as declared by the player. Illustrious 18. Negative counts correspond to minimum wagers, so failing to vary from basic strategy based on the count does not cost much. Learn more about something today. hide. Illustrious 18 Situation Hi-Lo Index Insurance: 3 16 v 10: 0 15 v 10: 4 10,10 v 5: 5 10,10 v 6: 4 Those involved with casino game protection around the world are taught to look for these specific strategy deviations. The u/Illustrious_Sport_18 community on Reddit. The best sign-up bonuses at casinos are those that are lucrative, easy to understand, and do not restrict the betting process. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast . 31 terms. Determining the Ill18 in 1986 was an enormous amount of work. Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. All rights reserved. The BIG 3, insurance, 16 vs 10 and 15 vs 10, account for nearly 60%.The top 12 plays account for more than 90%. An index number that high means the number of 10-count cards remaining to be dealt greatly outnumbers the amount of low-value cards remaining. Un'ampia scelta tra 383 Altri addobbi e decorazioni natalizie The address of our Malta based companies is: Level G, Quantum House, 75, Abate Rigord St., Ta’ Xbiex, XBX 1120, Malta algguy72. TROPHY CASE. Take the example of a pair of 7s against a dealer 2 upcard in a six-deck game with h17 and resplitting to a maximum of four hands. The Illustrious 18 is a group of 18 index numbers selected as the most profitable ones that a player should know and utilize. Surveillance needs only correlate bet size with the Illustrious 18 to decide whether to further evaluate a player. The difference between Norm Wattenberger's response and that of Don Schlesinger given above should be noted. The Illustrious 18 is a group of 18 index numbers selected as the most profitable ones that a player should know and utilize. Standing on stiff hands (12. vs. 2, 16 vs. T). Because each card removed from play has a stronger impact on the remaining deck. Flashcards. I spent some time years back looking at a method of going beyond 18 given a particular set of circumstances. His product Casino Verite, along with several other blackjack simulators, is the main software used by advantage players to research blackjack card counting. dcoder14. The Hi-Lo Count is the most widely written about, and in my judgment, the most commonly used card counting strategy. If you have a hand of 11 against the dealer’s Ace in shoe games and if H17, you should double at a count of 0 or higher; 10.1 If you have a hand of 9 against the dealer’s 2 in single-deck games, you should double at a count of +1 or higher; 10.2 If you have a hand of 9 against the dealer’s 2 in double-deck games, you should double at a count of +1 or higher; 10.3 If you have a hand of 9 against the dealer’s 2 in shoe games, you should double at a count of +1 or higher; 11.1 If you have a hand of 10 against the dealer’s Ace in single-deck games, you should double at a count of +2 or higher; 11.2 If you have a hand of 10 against the dealer’s Ace in double-deck games, you should double at a count of +3 or higher; 11.3 If you have a hand of 10 against the dealer’s Ace in shoe games and if S17, you should double at a count of +4 or higher. Unsubscribe. The following table contains what is known as the Illustrious 18 (for multi-deck games). Passive doubling (no double on 9 vs. 3, 10 vs. 9). know these 18 rules at specific counts for an advantage. More info After a few hands, he realizes that the casino doesn’t care: he is free to count the day away, playing and spreading his bets however he likes. focused on providing our readers with accurate news, reviews and in-depth guides. I also referred to the Wiz's I18 chart. The u/Illustrious_Donut_18 community on Reddit. Extremely popular among gambling community, this card game is paid decent attention by the majority of web-based casinos. To me, mastering index plays was part of beating the game. Besides using your true count to size your bets, you can also use it to deviate from the basic playing strategy. leonhmills. 22 terms. When using the Hi-Lo System, you should employ this strategy variation, if your count is +3 or even higher for multi-deck games, +2.4 or higher for double-deck games and +1.4 or higher for single-deck games. You should use Insurance in double-deck games, in case your count equals or is larger than +2.4; 1.3 You should use Insurance in shoe games, in case your count equals or is larger than +3; 2.1 If you have a hand of 16 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in single-deck games, you should stand at a count of 0 or higher; 2.2 If you have a hand of 16 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in double-deck games, you should stand at a count of 0 or higher; 2.3 If you have a hand of 16 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in shoe games, you should stand at a count of 0 or higher; 3.1 If you have a hand of 15 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in single-deck games, you should stand at a count of +4 or higher; 3.2 If you have a hand of 15 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in double-deck games, you should stand at a count of +4 or higher; 3.3 If you have a hand of 15 against the dealer’s 10-valued card in shoe games, you should stand at a count of +4 or higher; 4.1 If you have a pair of 10-valued cards against the dealer’s 5 in single-deck games, you should split at a count of +5 or higher; 4.2 If you have a pair of 10-valued cards against the dealer’s 5 in double-deck games, you should split at a count of +5 or higher; 4.3 If you have a pair of 10-valued cards against the dealer’s 5 in shoe games, you should split at a count of +5 or higher; 5.1 If you have a pair of 10-valued cards against the dealer’s 6 in single-deck games, you should split at a count of +5 or higher. Forgot account? AxiomOfChoice. In contrast to non-dealer RNG games widely available in Demo mode, blackjack tables run by Live croupiers accept only real-money punters. A 14, you'll agree, is a lousy hand. A ciò ha parzialmente pensato Donald Schlesinger con il suo articolo The Illustrious 18 sul numero di settembre 1986 della rivista Blackjack Forum di Arnold Snyder. Except for the last one (given for reference: S17), all of these index values below are for the Illustrious 18 using H17 rules but they are all … Press J to jump to the feed. Zen Count Card Counting System in Blackjack, The KO (Knockout) Card Counting System in Blackjack, The Uston Advanced Plus-Minus Blackjack Card Counting System, The Uston Advanced Point Count Blackjack Card Counting System, The Uston SS (Strongest and Simplest) Blackjack Card Counting System, The Omega II Blackjack Card Counting System, The Silver Fox Blackjack Card Counting System. As for shoe-dealt games, basic strategy suggests surrendering hard 16 against strong upcards such as 9, 10, and ace. I teach the Illustrious 18 in my seminars and trainings. Simply set aside a little time in order to learn the blackjack basics and main strategies – it will give you confidence and, if anything, make you a better player. Hit 17 Index Plays Multiple decks 73 Terms. Not Now. THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... 74 terms. Hit (don’t split) the hand A-A vs. 6 when the true count is -16 or lower. Learn more every chance you get. Press one of the buttons on the bottom that corresponds to the index for that hand. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Aug 25, 2011 #6. When using the Illustrious 18 index numbers, do they vary with the number of decks and rules? The I18 was designed for Hi-Lo so there may be some tweaking for other counts. The Mirage to Cease Mid-Week Casino, Other Operations from Jan. 4, How to Properly Use Casino Fibonacci System, Bet Spreads for the Wonging Style of Play, Bet Spreads for the Semi-Wonging Style of Play, Ball Bouncing, Switching, Aiming and Speed, NetEnt Expands Malta Live Casino Studio, Launches Dedicated Blackjack Tables with EveryMatrix, Spearhead Studios Adds Blackjack, Giant Panda Slot to Games Suite, Playtech, GVC Debut Majority Rules Speed Blackjack Live Casino Title, Top Rated Online Casinos for the Netherlands, Additional Blackjack Rules and Variations. Joined: Jan 9, 2012. Everyone who teaches us along the way should be helping us become something more, not something less. ... Leopard CC beanies! New User. Help. Double (don’t hit) the hand 5 vs. 4 when the true count is 15 or higher. However, there are two approaches an AP can take to reduce the task to a subset of these indices. In “Professional Blackjack” by Stanford Wong, Table A-1 (page 255), Wong gives these indices for single-deck blackjack (H17) using the Hi-Lo card counting system. Naturally, you have to memorize basic strategy first and be ready for a lot of card counting. Although the average minimum stake at the web-based venues is $1, by doing a bit of research, you will be able to find bets as small as $0.01, which is, undoubtedly, a perfect fit for all newbies and punters with a modest bankroll. Let's try to improve our perspective. – Webster’s New World College Dictionary ©, 1996. Eliot has been a Professor of both Mathematics and Computer Science. While the Illustrious 18 are variations to the basic strategy for any blackjack game, the Fab Four are variations to help a player increase his/her profit in a game where the surrender option is offered. I teach the Illustrious 18 in my seminars and trainings. 40 terms. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Those involved with casino game protection around the world are taught to look for these specific strategy deviations. I am not primarily a counter, and even I know way more indices than that. Underground Casinos? In this thread on (03.03), Schlesinger stated: ... he is pretty much a laughing-stock among serious players. This is known as using the “. Beaten The Casino. If the AP finds a game where he can “double after split” (DAS), he has an additional 55 indices to learn. 【MMD】illustrious 光辉 - 极乐净土, R-18 Description Discussions 0 Comments 0 Change Notes Description Discussions Comments Change Notes A secondary purpose for the underfunded AP is to use the true count to help him determine the size of his wager. The Illustrious 18 tells us to stand on 16 if the TC is +5 or higher. Illustrious: (1) clear, conspicuous, distinguished (2) famous, eminent, outstanding. Card Counting. Hi-Low Count with I18 and F4 on H17. In this case, you may expect to gain about 41% additionally, if you play all strategy variations perfectly. [Added June 13, 2014] In case you use the first 12 variations from the set, you could achieve about 90% of the profit. Features. BLACKJACK RA 6-DECK S17 Flashcard Maker: d h. 499 Cards – 16 Decks – 4 Learners Sample Decks: RA 6-DECK S17 HARD HIT/STAND, TC conversion, Ace Side Count Show Class blackjack. Is there an illustrious 18 index out there for an 8deck game? Blackjack Tips . Rather than saying "trust me," Schlesinger could have said, "I trust you." Here is Schlesinger's Illustrious 18: In his book Blackjack Attack, Playing the Pros’ Way” (2nd edition, 1997), Schlesinger states: “I’m proud of how oft-quoted the concept has become, and I’m grateful for the impact that the discovery has had on an entire generation of card counters. Now, the Illustrious 18 says to stand 15 vs 10 with a TC of 4 or higher. In the case, there are no brick-and-mortar gambling houses in your area, modern technologies give you a hand and grant access to a plethora of free titles available at numerous online gaming platforms. Biloxi has mainly H17 DAS RSA games. By encouraging card counters to play a weaker game, he inadvertently has helped keep profits on the casino's side of the table. has lots of I-18 info. My complaint here is not with the Illustrious 18, it is excellent work. In. If you have a hand of 12 against the dealer’s 6 in single-deck games and if H17, you should hit at a count of -2 or lower; 17.2 If you have a hand of 12 against the dealer’s 6 in double-deck games and if S17, you should hit at a count of 0 or lower. If the true count exceeds the trigger count, the AP makes the wager; otherwise he sits on his hands. And the third crucial play in the set is to stand on a 15 against the dealer's 10, if you have a count of +4 or higher. The correct play for soft 18 versus a 7 coincides in both H17 and S17 blackjack – one must always stand in this situation. Grosjean understood this, and could hardly constrain his disbelief, when he wrote (Beyond Counting, Exhibit CAA, page 387): " ... the counter cannot afford to just 'throw away' indices and money. I-18 delivers around 80% of the value of knowing every last one of the index numbers. As a member of the game protection community, I view the Illustrious 18 as an invaluable resource. Norm offered great insight into the problem of generating additional indices in order of importance when he wrote: I have a problem with the article. For example, the counter may learn every index between -5 and +10. A complete list would have allowed each individual to measure what he wanted for his unique circumstance. AxiomOfChoice. Yes. Our services in the UK are operated by 888 UK Limited, a company incorporated in Gibraltar. The ILLUSTRIOUS 18 index numbers are the most common form of strategy deviations that a player will employ over their career. Illustrious Boutique. Yesterday at 5:38 PM. As a member of the game protection community, I view the Illustrious 18 as an invaluable resource. With a high true count (larger bet), the AP will adjust his play from basic strategy by: With a negative count (minimum bet), the AP will adjust his play from basic strategy by: Each strategic play has an “index.” This is a number that tells the AP the correct point at which to diverge from basic strategy. HockeXpert … 888 UK Limited is licensed and regulated in Great Britain by the Gambling Commission under the account number 39028. The reason is quite obvious: these luxurious rooms usually have a limited number of seats and casinos cannot afford to fill them with spectators. Sort by. According to the illustrious 18 index numbers I came across, you should double when the TC > 1. 72 Cards – 4 Decks – 3 Learners Sample Decks: i18 for 2d S17, i18 for 2d H1 $18. Nor am I trying to help would-be card counters improve their game. 26 terms. algguy72. Our betting products are operated in Ireland by 888 (Ireland) Limited, a company incorporated in Malta, which is licensed and regulated by Ireland's Revenue Commissioners. Dannny1995. Each strategic play has an “index.” This is a number that tells the AP the correct point at which to diverge from basic strategy. PS: In sniffing around the term "Illustrious 18" I came across an indication that the book "Blackjack Attack" by Schlesinger(?) If you are to reach such a level of perfection, you need to learn quite a lot playing variations, but what is more important, you need to employ them with utmost precision. Close. In other words, the Illustrious 18 serves its greatest possible good as a tool for game protection. I might speculate that petty jealousy and a fierce desire to discredit another man's work are the main driving forces, but I'm not going to waste any more of my time or yours on the topic. All of these casinos are open to USA Illustrious 18 Blackjack Attack players and the sign-up bonuses are clear, concise, and offer the best bang for your buck! Surveillance needs only correlate bet size with the Illustrious 18 to decide whether to further evaluate a player. Our services in European Single Market member states (except for states in which our services are provided under a local license) are operated by Virtual Digital Services Limited, a company incorporated in Malta which is part of the European Union. Just one man's opinion: Eliot's article is next-to-useless. About the Author. As the persistent student gains understanding and proficiency in additional forms of Advantage Play more complex deviations are adhered too. Casino Pros. In case you give preference to these 3 strategy variations only, then you could achieve about 60% of the overall profit from the set. Her first assignment after completion and working up was with the Mediterranean Fleet, in which her aircraft's most notable achievement was sinking one Italian battleship and badly damaging two others during the Battle of Taranto in late 1940. What that means for us is that if we take a hit, we have an increased likelihood of busting our hand by going over 21. And ace the difference between Norm Wattenberger 's response and that of Don (... Cards and practiced OFTEN, adding more indices whenever I was not professional... With 0, that would mean you 'd have a balanced deck, right vitriolic and... That hand to use it in practice, is a pretty efficient way to success where I! Primarily a counter wanted more, it never occurred to me, index! 18 for H17 games then is -16 or lower seminars and trainings such a complete list never. 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