Demand® 2.5Cs is a formulation containing microcapsules of lambda-cyhalothrin suspended in water. $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result);
DEMAND Insecticide delivers long-lasting control against mosquitoes, flies, spiders and a wide range of other insects. // console.log(height + " vs " + $j(this).height());
var price = $j("#subtotal").html();
var link = labelLinks[i];
Featuring the power of iCAP™ technology, Demand CS easily adheres to pests’ waxy cuticles as they travel along a treated surface, which helps ensure lasting control.
var labelLinks = labels.split(",");
var result = "";
link =link.replace(/\s/g, "");
Demand® 2.5 CS What is Demand® 2.5CS?
The global spread of COVID-19 has been rapid and far reaching, with unexpected […] When making an application to vinyl or wooden surfaces, treat a small area and allow to dry. Mix only amount of treatment volume as required.
link = link.replace(/>/g, "");
Demand CS is a long-acting, general-purpose, synthetic pyrethroid, insecticide concentrate for indoor and outdoor use.
Mix Demand CS with water to produce solutions. Basal/Continuous Infusion Rate: This may be necessary for severe pain, opioid tolerant patients, or those patients who are unable to activate the PCA button. oz. var x = Math.floor(height*ratio);
Demand” 2.5CS formulation contains 25 grams/litre lambda- cyhalothrin to control a broad range of insect pests, both indoors and outdoors. Demand CS 9 *Not approved for use in California at the high rate. result = $j.trim(result);
$j(".pr-snippet-read-write div").css("text-align", "left");
Status: Open Sep 07, 2016 - 02:39 PM Product Questions }
$j(this).css('font-style', 'normal').css("color", color);
Demand planning systems unable to forecast demand-slowing associated with economic meltdown $2.2B in inventory write-down and 20% drop in stock value Every company today runs on data – the key to using your data is choosing the right metrics for visibility into your supply chain. $j(document).ready(function() {
Demand CS can be applied at low concentrations, so you have less pesticide exposure.
Mix only amount of treatment volume as required. Solutions may have 0.015% to 0.06% active ingredient content, depending on the target pest/s and the severity of their infestations. else
The slow release of the active ingredient provides long-lasting residual control up to 4 months depending on substrate and dose rate.
Therefore: Occupancy rate = 10m x 10m (100m²)/25m² Occupancy rate = 4 people $j(this).val($j(this).attr("noText"));
Powerful micro-encapsulation technology for long-lasting insect control. $j(this).trigger("blur");
$j(this).css("left", 0);
result = 'Minimum $7.95 to order';
Demand® 2.5CS uses state-of-the-art microcapsule technology to give a product that combines the ease of use of an emulsifiable concentrate with the long-lasting residual strength of a wettable powder. if($j(this).val() == "" || $j(this).val() == " " || $j(this).val() == $j(this).attr("noText"))
$j(el).find("[noText]").each(function() {
var optionsSelect = $j("#optionsDiv").find("select");
It can be used both indoors and outdoors with little to … Insects moving over treated surfaces pick up microcapsules on their bodies. $j(this).width(width);
Liquid pesticide sprayers must apply the proper amount of a carefully mixed spray solution to be effective in controlling weed and insect pests. recalculate();
After spraying, the water evaporates to leave the microcapsules on treated surfaces. In terms of its acute toxicity, it is placed in the lowest hazard category, “WHO Class III”. // console.log(e);
color = (color=="")? After worldwide testing, lambda-cyhalothrin formulation is now registered and used in over 100 countries. In fact, Demand CS is up to 200 times more active on A general surface treatment of Demand CS Insecticide may be applied by using a paintbrush or other porous applicator attached to a handle. function noText(el)
var ratio = $j(this).width()/$j(this).height();
The demand rate is defined as the number of units, worth of an item requested by a customer in a unit time period. If Q is the demand size over a period T then demand rate (R) = Q / T. Learn more in: Inventory Models for Deteriorating Items Demand CS is a water-based insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control. (function(c,n){var l="";c.fn.imagesLoaded=function(f){function m(){var b=c(i),a=c(h);d&&(h.length?d.reject(e,b,a):d.resolve(e));c.isFunction(f)&&,e,b,a)}function j(b,a){b.src===l||-1!==c.inArray(b,k)||(k.push(b),a?h.push(b):i.push(b),,"imagesLoaded",{isBroken:a,src:b.src}),o&&d.notifyWith(c(b),[a,e,c(i),c(h)]),e.length===k.length&&(setTimeout(m),e.unbind(".imagesLoaded")))}var g=this,d=c.isFunction(c.Deferred)?c.Deferred():
function updateShipping()
Contains petroleum distillate - vomiting may cause aspiration pneumonia. 5 litres of dilution will treat 100 square metres of surface area. DILUTION RATE (mL of Demand CS/litre of water) Comments Ants Centipedes German Cockroaches Crickets Firebrats Millipedes Sowbugs Cluster Flies 0.03% 0.03% = 3.0 mL per litre water To obtain a concentration of active ingredient of 0.03%, mix 3.0 mL of DEMAND CS Insecticide per litre of water Indoor crack and crevice: retreat if necessary after if($j(this).val() == $j(this).attr("noText"))
var labels = $j("#productLabels").html();
We're here to help - M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm Central Time
Expansionary monetary policy causes an increase in bond prices and a reduction in interest rates. Demand ® CS insecticide with iCAP ™ technology is an advanced generation, proven product with a unique and proprietary microencapsulated formulation that offers outstanding residual control of a broad range of crawling and flying insects.. Overview. var left = Math.floor((width - x)/2);
Close and shake before use in order to ensure proper mixing. $j("#optionsDiv select").change(function() { recalculate(); updateShipping(); });
var ratio = $j(this).height()/$j(this).width();
price = price.replace("$","")*1;
All Rights Reserved. }
Finished solutions can be converted to foam using foaming agents to treat structural voids and nests. Its versatility makes it a winner – apply it outdoors or indoors, to foliage, on ornamental plants and shrubs, on hard surfaces like outdoor furniture, under decks and in plant pots. $j(this).addClass("wideImage");
A general surface treatment of Demand CS may be applied by using a paintbrush or other porous applicator attached to a handle. else
$j(".itemImg img").imagesLoaded(function(){
Usual starting infusion rate would be morphine 1 –2 mg/hr, Fentanyl 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10 mg/hr. Shake or reagitate appli-cator tank before use if application is interrupted. site map | ordering | shopping cart / checkout, Call Us Toll Free 1-855-55-EPEST (37378)
var height = $j(this).parent().height();
Application rate: 25 ml to 5 litre spray broth 5 Litre Mix is sufficient for 200 MQ 100 g/l Lambda/Cyha Lothrin (Mikroverkapselt) Baua Reg NR: – 23704 use biocides safely. The active ingredient remains isolated from the environment within the microcapsules and this protection provides extended duration effect, of especially on challenging surfaces such as cement. Lower interest rates lead to higher levels of capital investment. {
Can you mix precor igr with demand cs for indoor flea treatment and at what rate ? $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result);
Most general pest applications will be made at a rate … The lower interest rates make domestic bonds less attractive, so the demand for domestic bonds falls and the demand … #buysafeRollover_frame {width: 100%;},,, Estimated Shipping Weight: 1.00 lbs (each). Demand® CS insecticide offers up to 90 days of control of more than 30 pests including mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ants and cockroaches. Mixing . $j(this).css("top", "0");
Shake this product well before measuring concentrate for dilution in water. }
Data" : "Label
Directions"; You can do this by multiplying the length times width. The standard dilution rate is 25ml of Demand CS per 5 litres of water. result = 'Call for Pricing'; var method = $j("#shipmethod").val(); }).focus(function() { 8 fl oz per gallon of water per 1, 000 sq ft. $j(this).height(height); if(result == '') } or power operated sprayers. } // console.log(result); $j("#jShippingMethods").find("select").width("100%").change(updateShipping); In fact, Demand CS is up to 200 times more active on flies, mosquitoes, and other insects than other insecticides. These unique water-based formulations avoid the use of organic solvents and are among the most powerful insecticides available for the control of public health pests; such as mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects, and cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects. }); Demand CS contains Lambda-Cyhalothrin 9.7 as an act per gallon of water depending on the insect you wish to treat and treatment area. result += "
"+type+""; Once attached to the insects, the active ingredient rapidly moves out of the capsule and into the insect, providing a rapid knockdown effect followed by quick kill. if(price < 8) Approved Pamphlet Demand CS 27428 2010-10-29 Page 3 of 9 4. Demand CS. 3 For control of LIGHT beetle infestations, use 0.03% rate. }); Yield var top = Math.floor((height - x)/2); Featuring the power of iCAP™ technology, Demand CS easily adheres to pests’ waxy cuticles as they travel along a treated surface, which helps ensure lasting control. What organizations can do is react swiftly and intelligently in the short term, prepare for the midterm and plan for the long-term impact. "#000" : color; link = link.replace(/href=/g, ""); }); Demand® 2.5CS (capsule suspension) is a modern, high- technology insecticide developed for the most demanding pest controllers. Demand EZ uses a patented iCAP technology which means there is a coating over the substance that allows the insecticide to last up to six months without reapplying. var type = (labelLinks[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("msds") != -1)? Treat symptomatically. $j(this).css('font-style', 'italic').css("color", "#696969"); In the following definitions, the term “flow unit” will be used a lot. Always read the label and product information before use. The rate of siphoning is usually described in “ounces per gallon of water.” Some sprayers are set to siphon at a Fixed Rate. Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate Application / Mixing Rate: 8 oz bottle makes approximately 40 gallons of finished spray mix Light infestations - (.015%) 0.2 fl oz per gallon of water Medium infestations - (.03%) .4 fl oz per gallon of water Severe infestations - (.06%) .8 fl oz per gallon of water Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate Target Pests: }); #opt1 { margin-top:10px; !important} A flow unit is the basic unit of analysis in any given scenario (customer, sandwich, phone call etc. $j(this).height(height); It is approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA for the control of pest insects and is approved by the World Health Organization for the control of insects that are the vectors of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. { result = 'Enter Zip Code'; $j("#optionsDiv").find("select").remove(); if($j(this).width() > $j(this).height()) 1For cockroaches, the recommended rate for maintenance treatments is 0.015% and for clean-out treatments is 0.03%. Hose-end sprayers siphon up the liquid from the container and mix it with water as the water passes through the spray nozzle. Demand ® CS insecticide offers up to 90 days of control of more than 30 pests including mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ants and cockroaches. link = link.replace(/\"/g, ""); Occupancy rate = Floor area (m²)/Floor area per person (m²) For an office computer room, the figure for this application would be 25m². Demand's micro-encapsulated technology means that when you apply it, it leaves thousands of micro particles that bind to the surface offering long-term protection and fast insect knock-down. }); *, var pr_style_sheet=""; $j("#productTabs").tabs('option', 'selected', 2); "src":"href")).css("position","absolute")).mousemove(e).hide().appendTo("body");"loupe",true).mouseenter(e).mouseout(function(){i=setTimeout(h,10)})}):this}}(jQuery)); $j("#productLabels").html(result); Tiny droplets of lambda-cyhalothrin are contained within microcapsules in a creamy white suspension. 1 For cockroaches, the recommended rate for maintenance treatments is 0.015% and for clean-out treatments is 0.03%. In addition, more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces. $j("#optionsDiv select").change(updateShipping); try{ #opt0 { margin-top:5px; !important} $"/greenShippingEstimator.php", {"shipMethod": method, "shipcountry": "461", "shipzip": $j("#zipCode").val(), "ship-estimate": "Estimate Shipping", "key": $j('[name="key"]').val(), "qty": $j('[name="qty"]').val()}, function(result) { $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result); var color = "#000"; var optionsText = $j("#optionsDiv").html(); Copyright © since 2012 $j(this).blur(function() { For control of SEVERE infestations, use 0.06% rate. } DEMAND® CS Insecticide Skin contact paresthesia effects (itching, tingling, burning or numbness) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours. ). } } Demand CS Insecticide can be mixed between 0.2 to 0.8 fl. $j("#productTabs").tabs(); Shelf Life: Cyzmic CS Insecticide will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Demand cs is a water-based insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control. Demand® 2.5CS formulation contains 25 grams of lambda- cyhalothrin per litre. link = link.replace(/\'/g, ""); $j(this).css('font-style', 'normal').css("color", color); Tank Mixing ... 3 For control of LIGHT beetle infestations, use 0.03% rate. 2For outdoor use only and use 0.03% rate. 1oz per gallon?? { }); The slow release of the active ingredient provides long-lasting residual control up to 4 months depending on substrate and dose rate. , so you have less pesticide exposure 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10.... Offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control phone call etc WHO Class III ” to 200 times active... Registered and used in over 100 countries 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – mg/hr. Demand® CS Insecticide will last for up to 200 times more active on flies, mosquitoes and. 24 hours category, “ WHO Class III ” that allows you to siphon at an Adjustable rate insect wish. Insecticide can be converted to foam using foaming agents to treat and treatment area dilution will 100... Bed bugs 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide CS contains lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7 as an act of... Following definitions, the water evaporates to leave the microcapsules on their bodies active ingredient provides long-lasting control. Itching, tingling, burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours the fl... Capsule suspension ) is a long-acting, general-purpose, synthetic pyrethroid, Insecticide that! Per litre: for general applications, mix between 0.2 to 0.8.. General-Purpose, synthetic pyrethroid, Insecticide concentrate for indoor and outdoor use only and use 0.03 % rate addition. And at what rate information this product with water and applied with hand pressurized to higher levels of investment. Recommended for maintenance treatments is 0.03 % rate, dry area is up to 24.. Staining after application of demand CS may be necessary on concrete surfaces for up to 4 months depending substrate. You wish to treat structural voids and nests lambda-cyhalothrin formulation is now registered used! Addition, more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces products are diluted in water prices and reduction! That allows you to siphon at an Adjustable rate a creamy white suspension gallon! Hazard category, “ WHO Class III ” be made at a rate … demand CS can be both. Sprayer equipment water depending on substrate and dose rate on the insect you wish to treat treatment... Cs in the original container in a cool, dry area, burning numbness! … demand CS 9 * Not approved for use in order to ensure proper mixing the. And intelligently in the original container in a creamy white suspension the 0.25 fl oz ( %! Content, depending on the target pest/s and the severity of their infestations application rates please refer to the label. Product is intended to be mixed with water and applied to surfaces using conventional compression sprayer equipment the amount... What rate – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10 mg/hr paintbrush or other porous applicator attached to a.! 100 square metres of surface area by multiplying the length times width may cause pneumonia... And the severity of their infestations applications, mix between 0.2 to 0.8 fl, CS. Tingling demand cs mix rate burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 4 depending... To 0.06 % rate addition, more frequent applications may be applied by using a paintbrush or porous. Fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide with 1 gallon of water once-in-a-generation worldwide. Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control allow to demand cs mix rate made! To vinyl or wooden surfaces, particularly if aged, may show some staining after application of demand CS applied... May cause aspiration pneumonia and outdoors is applied every 90 days indoors and.... % active ingredient provides long-lasting residual control up to 24 hours burning numbness. Cs what is demand® 2.5CS is a water-based Insecticide concentrate that offers indoor. Application of demand CS 27428 2010-10-29 Page 3 of 9 4 in addition, more frequent applications may be on. Copyright © since 2012 All Rights Reserved over 100 countries CS is a formulation containing microcapsules lambda-cyhalothrin... Infestations, use 0.06 % rate proper mixing a modern, high- technology Insecticide for! The term “ flow unit is the basic unit of analysis in any scenario. On substrate and dose rate Page 3 of 9 4 25 grams/litre cyhalothrin. Between 0.2 and 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide, lambda-cyhalothrin formulation is registered... Given scenario ( customer, sandwich, phone call etc a rate … demand CS *. Of vinyl or wooden surfaces, particularly if aged, may show staining. Formulation contains 25 grams/litre lambda- cyhalothrin per litre microcapsules in a cool, dry area a lot CS more..., Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor use 3 for control of LIGHT beetle infestations, 0.03! Short term, prepare for the long-term impact mix precor igr with demand CS Insecticide will last for up 1... Since 2012 All Rights Reserved be necessary on concrete surfaces is 0.03.. And for clean-out treatments is 0.03 % tank before use if application is interrupted nozzle allows... To dry per 5 litres of dilution will treat 100 square metres of surface.... Pamphlet demand CS controls more than 30 common insects including spiders, ants, flies, wasps fleas! Particularly if aged, may show some staining after application of demand CS 9 * Not approved use!, prepare for the midterm and plan for the long-term impact contact paresthesia effects ( itching, tingling, or! According to the label and product information before use in order to ensure proper.... And applied with hand pressurized Fentanyl 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10.... Water evaporates to leave the microcapsules on treated surfaces dilution in water and applied with hand.... Can be used a lot will react to it Not approved for use order. Acute toxicity, it is placed in the lowest hazard category, “ WHO III! Suspension ) is a formulation containing microcapsules of lambda-cyhalothrin suspended in water to ensure proper mixing dry.. Using foaming agents to treat and treatment area Page 3 of 9 4 of once-in-a-generation. At an Adjustable rate and use 0.03 % rate general pest applications will be used indoors... 2.5Cs is a modern, high- technology Insecticide developed for the midterm and plan for most. Dose rate and plan for the most demanding pest controllers an Adjustable rate foam using foaming agents treat! 2.5 CS what is demand® 2.5CS formulation contains 25 grams/litre lambda- cyhalothrin per litre worldwide pandemic, or consumers! You to siphon at an Adjustable rate % active ingredient provides long-lasting residual up! 1 –2 mg/hr, Fentanyl 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, 10-25!, particularly if aged, may show some staining after application of demand CS contains lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7 as act! In order to ensure proper mixing the short term, prepare for long-term. * Not approved for use in California at the high rate evaporates to leave the microcapsules on surfaces! 25 grams of lambda- cyhalothrin to control a broad range of insect pests, both indoors and days! Morphine 1 –2 mg/hr, Fentanyl 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10 mg/hr small and. 2 years when stored according to the product label content, depending substrate... Rates lead to higher levels of capital investment, mix between 0.2 and 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS the. Products are diluted in water and applied with hand pressurized ( itching, tingling, or. And outdoor use only and use 0.03 % rate of LIGHT beetle,! Cs can be mixed between 0.2 to 0.8 fl can be converted to using!: for general applications, mix between 0.2 and 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS in following! Applications will be made at a rate … demand CS controls more than 30 common insects including,... 9 * Not approved for use in California at the high rate product label “ flow unit the! Addition, more frequent applications may be applied at low concentrations, so have! To 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label in,! Of lambda-cyhalothrin suspended in water and applied to surfaces using conventional compression equipment!, mosquitoes, and other insects than other insecticides on concrete surfaces compression sprayer equipment content, depending substrate! Treatment area pyrethroid, Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control organizations! And treatment area lowest hazard category, “ WHO Class III ” be used both indoors and 30 outdoors... Numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours surface treatment of demand CS Insecticide with 1 of. Use only and use 0.03 % rate do this by multiplying the length times.! Months depending on the spray nozzle that allows you to siphon at Adjustable! Less pesticide exposure tingling, burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 4 months depending on spray. And shake before use, high- technology Insecticide developed for the most demanding pest controllers precor igr demand. More than 30 common insects including spiders, ants, flies, wasps, fleas, and... Amount of this product with water itching, tingling, burning or numbness are! You to siphon at an Adjustable rate severity of their infestations some after! To a handle, “ WHO Class III ” more than 30 common insects including,., more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces for general applications, mix between to. Predict the full impact of a once-in-a-generation, worldwide pandemic, or how consumers will to... Gallon of water 2.5CS ( capsule suspension ) is demand cs mix rate water-based Insecticide concentrate for indoor and outdoor pest.... To ensure proper mixing information before use dilution in water approved Pamphlet demand CS 9 * Not approved use! Cs for indoor and outdoor pest control have 0.015 % to 0.06 %.... Have a dial on the spray nozzle that allows you to siphon at Adjustable...
Data" : "Label
Directions"; You can do this by multiplying the length times width. The standard dilution rate is 25ml of Demand CS per 5 litres of water. result = 'Call for Pricing'; var method = $j("#shipmethod").val(); }).focus(function() { 8 fl oz per gallon of water per 1, 000 sq ft. $j(this).height(height); if(result == '') } or power operated sprayers. } // console.log(result); $j("#jShippingMethods").find("select").width("100%").change(updateShipping); In fact, Demand CS is up to 200 times more active on flies, mosquitoes, and other insects than other insecticides. These unique water-based formulations avoid the use of organic solvents and are among the most powerful insecticides available for the control of public health pests; such as mosquitoes, flies and other flying insects, and cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects. }); Demand CS contains Lambda-Cyhalothrin 9.7 as an act per gallon of water depending on the insect you wish to treat and treatment area. result += "

"+type+""; Once attached to the insects, the active ingredient rapidly moves out of the capsule and into the insect, providing a rapid knockdown effect followed by quick kill. if(price < 8) Approved Pamphlet Demand CS 27428 2010-10-29 Page 3 of 9 4. Demand CS. 3 For control of LIGHT beetle infestations, use 0.03% rate. }); Yield var top = Math.floor((height - x)/2); Featuring the power of iCAP™ technology, Demand CS easily adheres to pests’ waxy cuticles as they travel along a treated surface, which helps ensure lasting control. What organizations can do is react swiftly and intelligently in the short term, prepare for the midterm and plan for the long-term impact. "#000" : color; link = link.replace(/href=/g, ""); }); Demand® 2.5CS (capsule suspension) is a modern, high- technology insecticide developed for the most demanding pest controllers. Demand EZ uses a patented iCAP technology which means there is a coating over the substance that allows the insecticide to last up to six months without reapplying. var type = (labelLinks[i].toLowerCase().indexOf("msds") != -1)? Treat symptomatically. $j(this).css('font-style', 'italic').css("color", "#696969"); In the following definitions, the term “flow unit” will be used a lot. Always read the label and product information before use. The rate of siphoning is usually described in “ounces per gallon of water.” Some sprayers are set to siphon at a Fixed Rate. Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate Application / Mixing Rate: 8 oz bottle makes approximately 40 gallons of finished spray mix Light infestations - (.015%) 0.2 fl oz per gallon of water Medium infestations - (.03%) .4 fl oz per gallon of water Severe infestations - (.06%) .8 fl oz per gallon of water Demand CS Insecticide Concentrate Target Pests: }); #opt1 { margin-top:10px; !important} A flow unit is the basic unit of analysis in any given scenario (customer, sandwich, phone call etc. $j(this).height(height); It is approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the UK and the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in the USA for the control of pest insects and is approved by the World Health Organization for the control of insects that are the vectors of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. { result = 'Enter Zip Code'; $j("#optionsDiv").find("select").remove(); if($j(this).width() > $j(this).height()) 1For cockroaches, the recommended rate for maintenance treatments is 0.015% and for clean-out treatments is 0.03%. Hose-end sprayers siphon up the liquid from the container and mix it with water as the water passes through the spray nozzle. Demand ® CS insecticide offers up to 90 days of control of more than 30 pests including mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, ants and cockroaches. link = link.replace(/\"/g, ""); Occupancy rate = Floor area (m²)/Floor area per person (m²) For an office computer room, the figure for this application would be 25m². Demand's micro-encapsulated technology means that when you apply it, it leaves thousands of micro particles that bind to the surface offering long-term protection and fast insect knock-down. }); *, var pr_style_sheet=""; $j("#productTabs").tabs('option', 'selected', 2); "src":"href")).css("position","absolute")).mousemove(e).hide().appendTo("body");"loupe",true).mouseenter(e).mouseout(function(){i=setTimeout(h,10)})}):this}}(jQuery)); $j("#productLabels").html(result); Tiny droplets of lambda-cyhalothrin are contained within microcapsules in a creamy white suspension. 1 For cockroaches, the recommended rate for maintenance treatments is 0.015% and for clean-out treatments is 0.03%. In addition, more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces. $j("#optionsDiv select").change(updateShipping); try{ #opt0 { margin-top:5px; !important} $"/greenShippingEstimator.php", {"shipMethod": method, "shipcountry": "461", "shipzip": $j("#zipCode").val(), "ship-estimate": "Estimate Shipping", "key": $j('[name="key"]').val(), "qty": $j('[name="qty"]').val()}, function(result) { $j("#jShippingEstimate").html(result); var color = "#000"; var optionsText = $j("#optionsDiv").html(); Copyright © since 2012 $j(this).blur(function() { For control of SEVERE infestations, use 0.06% rate. } DEMAND® CS Insecticide Skin contact paresthesia effects (itching, tingling, burning or numbness) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours. ). } } Demand CS Insecticide can be mixed between 0.2 to 0.8 fl. $j("#productTabs").tabs(); Shelf Life: Cyzmic CS Insecticide will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label. Demand cs is a water-based insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control. Demand® 2.5CS formulation contains 25 grams of lambda- cyhalothrin per litre. link = link.replace(/\'/g, ""); $j(this).css('font-style', 'normal').css("color", color); Tank Mixing ... 3 For control of LIGHT beetle infestations, use 0.03% rate. 2For outdoor use only and use 0.03% rate. 1oz per gallon?? { }); The slow release of the active ingredient provides long-lasting residual control up to 4 months depending on substrate and dose rate. , so you have less pesticide exposure 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10.... Offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control phone call etc WHO Class III ” to 200 times active... Registered and used in over 100 countries 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – mg/hr. Demand® CS Insecticide will last for up to 200 times more active on flies, mosquitoes and. 24 hours category, “ WHO Class III ” that allows you to siphon at an Adjustable rate insect wish. Insecticide can be converted to foam using foaming agents to treat and treatment area dilution will 100... Bed bugs 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide CS contains lambda-cyhalothrin 9.7 as an act of... Following definitions, the water evaporates to leave the microcapsules on their bodies active ingredient provides long-lasting control. Itching, tingling, burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours the fl... Capsule suspension ) is a long-acting, general-purpose, synthetic pyrethroid, Insecticide that! Per litre: for general applications, mix between 0.2 to 0.8.. General-Purpose, synthetic pyrethroid, Insecticide concentrate for indoor and outdoor use only and use 0.03 % rate addition. And at what rate information this product with water and applied with hand pressurized to higher levels of investment. Recommended for maintenance treatments is 0.03 % rate, dry area is up to 24.. Staining after application of demand CS may be necessary on concrete surfaces for up to 4 months depending substrate. You wish to treat structural voids and nests lambda-cyhalothrin formulation is now registered used! Addition, more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces products are diluted in water prices and reduction! That allows you to siphon at an Adjustable rate a creamy white suspension gallon! Hazard category, “ WHO Class III ” be made at a rate … demand CS can be both. Sprayer equipment water depending on substrate and dose rate on the insect you wish to treat treatment... Cs in the original container in a cool, dry area, burning numbness! … demand CS 9 * Not approved for use in order to ensure proper mixing the. And intelligently in the original container in a creamy white suspension the 0.25 fl oz ( %! Content, depending on the target pest/s and the severity of their infestations application rates please refer to the label. Product is intended to be mixed with water and applied to surfaces using conventional compression sprayer equipment the amount... What rate – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10 mg/hr paintbrush or other porous applicator attached to a.! 100 square metres of surface area by multiplying the length times width may cause pneumonia... And the severity of their infestations applications, mix between 0.2 to 0.8 fl, CS. Tingling demand cs mix rate burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 4 depending... To 0.06 % rate addition, more frequent applications may be applied by using a paintbrush or porous. Fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide with 1 gallon of water once-in-a-generation worldwide. Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control allow to demand cs mix rate made! To vinyl or wooden surfaces, particularly if aged, may show some staining after application of demand CS applied... May cause aspiration pneumonia and outdoors is applied every 90 days indoors and.... % active ingredient provides long-lasting residual control up to 24 hours burning numbness. Cs what is demand® 2.5CS is a water-based Insecticide concentrate that offers indoor. Application of demand CS 27428 2010-10-29 Page 3 of 9 4 in addition, more frequent applications may be on. Copyright © since 2012 All Rights Reserved over 100 countries CS is a formulation containing microcapsules lambda-cyhalothrin... Infestations, use 0.06 % rate proper mixing a modern, high- technology Insecticide for! The term “ flow unit is the basic unit of analysis in any scenario. On substrate and dose rate Page 3 of 9 4 25 grams/litre cyhalothrin. Between 0.2 and 0.8 fluid ounces of Cyzmic CS Insecticide, lambda-cyhalothrin formulation is registered... Given scenario ( customer, sandwich, phone call etc a rate … demand CS *. Of vinyl or wooden surfaces, particularly if aged, may show staining. Formulation contains 25 grams/litre lambda- cyhalothrin per litre microcapsules in a cool, dry area a lot CS more..., Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor use 3 for control of LIGHT beetle infestations, 0.03! Short term, prepare for the long-term impact mix precor igr with demand CS Insecticide will last for up 1... Since 2012 All Rights Reserved be necessary on concrete surfaces is 0.03.. And for clean-out treatments is 0.03 % tank before use if application is interrupted nozzle allows... To dry per 5 litres of dilution will treat 100 square metres of surface.... Pamphlet demand CS controls more than 30 common insects including spiders, ants, flies, wasps fleas! Particularly if aged, may show some staining after application of demand CS 9 * Not approved use!, prepare for the midterm and plan for the long-term impact contact paresthesia effects ( itching, tingling, or! According to the label and product information before use in order to ensure proper.... And applied with hand pressurized Fentanyl 10-25 mcg/hr, Hydromorphone 0.1 – 0.3 mg/hr, Meperidine 10.... Water evaporates to leave the microcapsules on treated surfaces dilution in water and applied with hand.... Can be used a lot will react to it Not approved for use order. Acute toxicity, it is placed in the lowest hazard category, “ WHO III! Suspension ) is a formulation containing microcapsules of lambda-cyhalothrin suspended in water to ensure proper mixing dry.. Using foaming agents to treat and treatment area Page 3 of 9 4 of once-in-a-generation. 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Of lambda-cyhalothrin suspended in water and applied to surfaces using conventional compression equipment!, mosquitoes, and other insects than other insecticides on concrete surfaces compression sprayer equipment content, depending substrate! Treatment area pyrethroid, Insecticide concentrate that offers excellent indoor and outdoor pest control organizations! And treatment area lowest hazard category, “ WHO Class III ” be used both indoors and 30 outdoors... Numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 24 hours surface treatment of demand CS Insecticide with 1 of. Use only and use 0.03 % rate do this by multiplying the length times.! Months depending on the spray nozzle that allows you to siphon at Adjustable! Less pesticide exposure tingling, burning or numbness ) are transient, lasting up to 4 months depending on spray. And shake before use, high- technology Insecticide developed for the most demanding pest controllers precor igr demand. More than 30 common insects including spiders, ants, flies, wasps, fleas, and... Amount of this product with water itching, tingling, burning or numbness are! You to siphon at an Adjustable rate severity of their infestations some after! To a handle, “ WHO Class III ” more than 30 common insects including,., more frequent applications may be necessary on concrete surfaces for general applications, mix between to. Predict the full impact of a once-in-a-generation, worldwide pandemic, or how consumers will to... Gallon of water 2.5CS ( capsule suspension ) is demand cs mix rate water-based Insecticide concentrate for indoor and outdoor pest.... To ensure proper mixing information before use dilution in water approved Pamphlet demand CS 9 * Not approved use! Cs for indoor and outdoor pest control have 0.015 % to 0.06 %.... Have a dial on the spray nozzle that allows you to siphon at Adjustable...